Subject Verb Agreement Quiz 1

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of writing that every writer should have a good grasp of. When the subject and verb in a sentence are not in agreement, it makes the sentence difficult to read, and the intended meaning may be lost. Improving subject-verb agreement will enhance your writing skills and make your work more valuable. With this in mind, we have prepared a quiz to test your subject-verb agreement skills.

Quiz 1: Subject Verb Agreement

Directions: Read each sentence and choose the correct verb in parentheses.

1. The group of students (is, are) heading to the library.

2. Neither of the boys (was, were) happy about the game`s outcome.

3. The book on the table (belongs, belong) to my sister.

4. The number of visitors (has, have) increased.

5. The choir, along with the musicians, (performs, perform) at the theater.

6. The woman with the three dogs (walks, walk) every day.

7. The new restaurant, as well as the old one, (serves, serve) delicious food.

8. The stack of books (needs, need) to be returned to the library.

9. Everybody (knows, know) the answer to the question.

10. The meeting, including its agenda, (is, are) confidential.


1. The group of students (is) heading to the library.

2. Neither of the boys (was) happy about the game`s outcome.

3. The book on the table (belongs) to my sister.

4. The number of visitors (has) increased.

5. The choir, along with the musicians, (performs) at the theater.

6. The woman with the three dogs (walks) every day.

7. The new restaurant, as well as the old one, (serves) delicious food.

8. The stack of books (needs) to be returned to the library.

9. Everybody (knows) the answer to the question.

10. The meeting, including its agenda, (is) confidential.


Proper subject-verb agreement is essential in written communication. A good understanding of this rule will prevent errors and enhance your writing skills. It`s crucial to remember that the verb must agree in number with the subject of the sentence, whether it`s singular or plural. Take time to review and practice, and you`ll see significant improvement in your writing.